Dog in front of bowl

How to Choose a Canine Nutritionist

The truth is, unless your general veterinarian is holistic/integrative/pro-active, they likely aren’t well-versed in canine nutrition. There’s very little education in vet school pertaining to food and how it impacts wellness. So if you’re hitting a dead end at the clinic, there are a lot of qualified professionals out there.

Choosing a nutrition advisor for your dog can be a daunting task in a field with no regulation, that happens to have seen an explosion of options in very recent years. With so many different nutritionists available, it can be difficult to know which one is the best fit for your pet. It's important to consider the qualifications, experience and expertise of each professional you’re considering. Additionally, you should also look into their methods for assessing your dog's nutritional needs and formulating customized meal plans and supplement regimes. Furthermore, do they take into account each dog’s preferences?

Our favourite resource is for perusing folks in the field is Fresh Food Consultants because each person listed has applied and been vetted prior to being listed. The FFC directory was created in response to the demand for qualified, dedicated professionals in preparation for Dr. Karen Becker, and Rodney Habib’s book The Forever Dog, where you’ll find the directory listed as a resource for, as the author’s put it, “2.0 pet parents.” 

Courses that offer a fantastic knowledge base are offered through CASI and CIVT so look for them as potential credentials along with working experience if your pet's case is complex. 

Before you enter into this working relationship you need to be communicative about what you hope to achieve with your dog’s diet. If your pup has any health concerns, make sure your advisor is well versed and has the knowledge to help you use food and supplements in a therapeutic way.

Whomever you choose, please keep in mind the path to wellness wasn’t paved overnight. It can take a few revisions to get things just right for your dog. But it’s well worth it!

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